
さゆりのエロい噂・・悪い噂が学校中に流れていた。ぷっくり唇・揺れる豊満なおっぱいを狙う学園の野獣生徒たちはさゆりのマ〇コを欲していた。それは聖職者である男教師もだった・・ 教師の権限を最大限に利用して体育倉庫や放課後のホテルで豊満な躰を舐めまくり・弄び・くっさいザーメン汁をさゆりの膣に注ぎこむ!Erotic rumors about Sayuri… Bad rumors were circulating around the school. The school’s wild beast of students, who wanted to get their hands on Sayuri’s full lips and swaying tits, wanted her pussy. Even the clergymen were chasing for her tail… In the end, the teachers use their authority their fullest to utilize the gym storeroom or a love hotel after school to lick and play with Sayuri, and dump stinky cum deep inside her pussy!
「教師辞める覚悟で、教え子に中出ししまくりました」巨乳女子校生 を見てみる → 「教師辞める覚悟で、教え子に中出ししまくりました」巨乳女子校生