ネイル専門学校の学生さん。口元のすけべ黒子が印象的な美人で、芸能人だと「ふぞろいの林檎たち」の頃の高橋ひとみに似てるなぁと思う。口数はかなり少なく、会話もあまりなかったけれど、べつに不機嫌というワケでもなく、そういう性格の子らしい。顔だけでヌケるフェロモンといい、やっぱり高橋ひとみだ。本人の感想は「キモチかったです」。She is a student at a nail college. She is a beautiful woman with an impressive black mouth, and I think she looks like Hitomi Takahashi from “Fuzoro no Ringo-tachi”. She didn’t talk much, and didn’t have many conversations, but she wasn’t grumpy at all, and she seemed to have that kind of personality. The pheromone that can be detected just by her face is Hitomi Takahashi after all. She said, “It was really creepy.
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