先月、父親が再婚した。相手はなんと29歳!還暦を迎えた父親にこの若い娘…。どう考えてもおかしい。ある日、電話で話す杏樹の会話からやはり財産目的の結婚だと分かった。俺はそのことを問い詰めた。するとこの若い義母は思いもよらない行動に…。Last month, my father remarried to a 21 years old! He is already over the age of 60 and to old for this young girl. It is suspicious no matter how you look it. She is just after my father’s fortune. One day, I found out from her conversation on the phone that the marriage was just for the money. I questioned her about it, and my young mother-in-law took an unexpected action…
若すぎる父の後妻 皆瀬杏樹 を見てみる → 若すぎる父の後妻 皆瀬杏樹